Recycling is an issue that has come of age in Britain in the last decade. 回收利用是上个十年中被英国民众广泛认可的观念。
He will come of age a week from today. 他再过一个星期就达到成年年龄了。
Consumerized business applications will come of age: the social and mobile web will continue to penetrate the enterprise via simple consumer applications. 3.个性化商务应用将进入成熟期:社交和移动网络将通过简单的消费应用继续向企业领域渗透。
Five years later, peer-to-peer lending has come of age. 五年后,人人贷的时代来了。
Let us also recognize that older generations themselves stand to learn a great deal from the experiences and examples of young people as they come of age in a world of accelerating interconnectedness. 我们还必须承认,老一辈人也可以从年轻人的经历和榜样中学到很多东西,因为年轻人是在一个相互联系速度不断加快的世界中成长起来的。
After decades of research and development fuel cells have come of age and are making an impact in everyday life. 经过几十年的研究和开发燃料电池已经成熟,并正在影响日常生活。
She signed her own hire purchase agreement now that she's come of age. 因为她已到法定年龄,她自己在分期付款购买契约上签了字。
Parents have the duty to rear and educate their minor children, and children who have come of age have the duty to support and assist their parents. 父母有抚养教育未成年子女的义务,成年子女有赡养扶助父母的义务。
Now you have come of age, you shall seek a living for yourself. 现在你已成年了,你应该为自己寻求一种生活。
In England people now come of age at 18. 现在在英国人满十八岁就达到法定年龄。
Except one thing, that is: the suggestion peddled by some eager participants that the country's once-struggling equity markets have come of age, shaped up and are finally valuing corporate assets in line with the economy's potential. 但有一点除外。一些热情的市场参与者正在散播一种观点,即:一度苦苦挣扎的中国股市已经成熟、成形,终于开始按照中国经济的潜力评估企业的资产价值。
The day you grow up, come of age, the gates will shut around you because you are a woman. 当你长大成人,你会发现,所有你周围的大门都会关上,仅仅因为你是个女人。
The house is held in trust until the children come of age. 在子女到达法定年龄之前,房子归受托人管理。
300 weeks? Until she's come of age? 300个礼拜?关到她成年吗?
He will come of age next year. 明年他将到达法定年龄。
When you come of age, you can drive a car. 等你成人了,你就可以开车了。
He hasn't come of age yet. 他还未到成年。
In the 1970s Barbados made the Caribbean come of age, drawing newly affluent British and American tourists and holiday-home buyers to its undeveloped coasts, unspoilt villages, basic bars and roadside restaurants. 上世纪70年代,巴巴多斯让加勒比地区走入成熟,它将英美的新富游客和度假房产购买者们,吸引到该国未开发的海滨、未受破坏的乡村、小酒吧和路边餐厅。
Hey! It seems as if oneself come of age! 嘿!原来自己已长大了!
He will come of age next year. He has reached his majority. 明年他将到达法定年龄。他已达到了法定年龄。
In America, both men and women come of age at 21. 在美国,无论男女都以21岁为法定成年年龄。
Herbert himself had come of age eight months before me. 赫伯尔特比我早八个月成年。
Renewable energy has come of age. 可再生能源已发展成熟。
Now the Group of 20 has come of age. 然而,如今已是20国集团的时代。
You are his charge until you come of age. 只要负责管教你到成年为止。
You will be allowed to get married and vote in elections when you come of age. 当你到了适龄阶段时,你就有权结婚以及在各项选举中投票。
It has become apparent to us that one of the serious problems confronting Chinese society is the teenage crime& that is, crime committed by individuals who haven't come of age. 得明显,面对中国社会的严重问题之一是青少年犯罪,就是说,还没有成年的个体所犯的罪行。
Too many Westerners, including those urging trade sanctions over the yuan, assume that they are dealing with a self-confident, rational power that has come of age. 很多西方人,包括那些强烈要求对人民币汇率贸易审查的,都认为他们在面对一个自信、成熟的理智力量。
Howcan we count on those children to make contributions to our society? We should take good care of the young so that they will be useful in the social construction later when they come of age. 我们该如何寄希望于这样的孩子对社会作出贡献呢?我们应该用心呵护好孩子们,这样他们长大后才能成为一名为国家做贡献的有用人才。